Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's Broken

Potty training is gross.

There I said it.

I realize that the kid is not going to go to college in diapers and it will all come together eventually. But in the meantime, we're in the drop-everything-and-rush-to-the-potty craziness that occurs every 5 minutes. And I am not looking forward to those coming times when we will be in a store - inevitably at the furthest possible distance from the bathroom - we will abandon the cart and run to the *public* bathroom pushing old ladies and children out of our way to try to make it in time for the urgent "Mommy, I have to go RIGHT NOW!" moment!

On a lighter note, while sitting on the potty and trying for upwards of 45 minutes. My son told me that his "Penis is broken". I guess I'll have to try and help him figure out how to fix it, after I stop laughing!

Friday, November 21, 2008

She's Crafty...

I've been in crafty mom mode lately. When we lived in the arctic north (aka Chicago and New York), I used to knit. There was great satisfaction in creating something cozy and warm out of a ball of soft yarn. I spent hours in the knitting store planning my next creation and adding to my already overflowing stash of yarn. Perhaps it's the warm weather or maybe it's the children who now take up most of my time, but sometime after moving to Sunny Florida, I lost my itch to knit.

For my 16th birthday , Grandma bought me a Singer Sewing Machine. Although I wanted it, I never really did much with it - aside from the occasional scrunchie (Remember Scrunchies?) I would whip up.

About 6 months ago, I took it out of the garage and started playing around with it. My daughter is fairly small for her size. She's 4 and on the skinny side... I'm embarassed to admit that some of her shorts and skirts are size 2T. Fortunately she loves to wear dresses and tights - because pants that fit her in length won't stay up over her tiny tush!

I took an old dress that was beginning to get too short and a pair of shorts that fit her in the waist but were becoming inappropriately short shorts for a 4 year old!

I cut the bottom of the dress off directly below the first set of ruffles and then cut off the bottom of the shorts. I sewed the bottom of the dress onto the shorts and.... VOILA! A whole new take on an old favorite dress and a skirt that doesn't fall off her waist!!

The Kid looks adorable in her new outfit and Mommy is thinking about new crafts to keep her creative juices flowing!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ran out of light...

A light bulb in my kitchen burned out.
3 1/2 year old asked me what happened.
I explained to her that Daddy needs to replace the bulb.
she said "Mommy, the ceiling ran out of light."

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sibling Rivalry

The kids - 19 Months apart - were fighting in the backseat: little brother was annoying big sister causing her to scream which he thought was hysterical so he screamed back which made her scream louder and thus the endless cycle of backseat screaming began. I finally told big sis to ignore little bro & pretend he's not there... this led to the 3 1/2 year old screaming at the 2 yr old: "You're not there!!! You're not there!!!"
I still have a headache.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This blogging thing is intimidating.
A blank screen
and me
trying to capture
my usually quick wit
which is unusually slow wit lately
i think the kids ate my wit.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

5S in 2008

Every year I make resolutions. Don't we all? And every year, it's not that I break them... I just kind of, well, forget about them! (Don't we all?!?)

So this year I'm starting with one big ticket item: organization.

The husband is so neat and organized - I really admire him for this.
Me, not so much.
It's funny how people who are on the opposite ends of the neat spectrum can be so madly in love and coexist together. Growing up, my room looked like a bomb went off. My parents insisted that I have a path from the door to my bed - but the rest of the room, I was free to keep it as I liked. It's not that I liked the mess so much - It's just that I had too much clothes, books, toys, and well... junk in a room that was not big enough for all of my worldly possessions. Oh, and the fact that I would rather do almost anything to avoid cleaning up didn't help! In college, my roomate was an absolute neatnick. I was hoping some of it would rub off on me... no such luck. Once I moved in with my now Husband, I got a little more organized... but then we had kids and well, who has time to be neat when you're exhausted!

Every once in a while the clutter gets under S's skin and he insists on 5 S-ing the house... or rather 5 S-ing, me. 5 S is a visual organization concept. There are actually 5 S's... I had to look them up after all these years all I knew was that 5 S day meant it was time to clean house. So here they are:
Set in Order

Who thought this up?? I have no idea. Am I supposed to Shine the house? I think I'll skip that one. But we have sorted and put things in order. Huge garbage bags full of years worth of old garbage and more bags set for goodwill... Now all I have to do is Sustain it, right?!? Wish me luck - my track record isn't so good!!